Account APIs

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}

Operation: GetAccountV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Retrieves one account

Put Deprecated /api/v3/account/{accountId}

Operation: EditAccountV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Edits an account

Delete /api/v3/account/{accountId}

Operation: DeleteAccountV3 Permissions: Accounts (Delete)

Deletes an account. Currently NO confirmation is required

Get /api/v3/account

Operation: GetAccountsV3 Permissions: Accounts (View) Paginated

Retrieves all accounts

Post /api/v3/account

Operation: CreateAccountV3 Permissions: Accounts (Create)

Creates an account

Get /api/v3/account/search

Operation: SearchAccountsV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Search for accounts
Search for accounts whose account code, address, old account code, meter serial number, or meter address contains “query”

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/udf

Operation: EditAccountUDFsV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Edits user defined field / custom field values for a particular account

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/udf

Operation: GetAccountUdfsV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Retrieves all user defined fields / custom fields for a particular account

Get /api/v3/account/udf

Operation: GetAccountsUdfsV3 Permissions: Accounts (View) Paginated

Retrieves all user defined fields / custom fields for all accounts

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/rate

Operation: GetAccountRatesV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Retrieves all rates for a particular account

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/template

Operation: GetAccountTemplatesV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Retrieves all templates for a particular account

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/alert

Operation: GetAccountAlertsV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Retrieves all alerts for an account

Post /api/v3/account/{accountId}/alert

Operation: CreateAccountAlertV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Creates an account alert

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/alert/{alertId}

Operation: GetAccountAlertV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Retrieves an alert for an account

Delete /api/v3/account/{accountId}/alert/{alertId}

Operation: DeleteAccountAlertV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Deletes an account alert.

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/alert/{alertId}

Operation: UpdateAccountAlertV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Updates an account alert

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/billingPeriod

Operation: GetDefaultBillingPeriodV3

For a given accountId, startDate and endDates for a bill get a billing period recommendation
The billing period will be in YYYYMM format YYYY represents the 4 digit year and MM is the two digit month 01 for Jan to 12 for Dec

Put /api/v3/parentCostCenter/{parentCostCenterId}/account

Operation: MoveAccountV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Move list of accounts to be under parentCostCenterId

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/codeversion

Operation: EditAccountCodeVersionV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Put /api/v202401/account/{accountId}

Operation: EditAccountV202401 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Edits an account

Put /api/v202211/account/customAction

Operation: ProcessAccountCustomActionV202211 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Fires a custom account action. Custom account actions are setup as webhooks

Get /api/v202105/account/{accountId}/udf/{udfId}/download

Operation: DownloadAccountCustomFieldFileV202105 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Download file for an account custom field

Put /api/v202104/account/auditEnabled

Operation: SetAccountAuditExclusionV202104 Permissions: FlaggedItems (Manage)

Enable or disable Accounts from audits