AccountMeter APIs

Post /api/v3/accountmeter

Operation: CreateAccountMeterV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Links an account and meter together
Meters must be linked to an active account to be usable in EnergyCAP
Once an account and meter are created individually, they must be linked with this API

Put /api/v3/accountmeter/{accountMeterId}

Operation: EditAccountMeterV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Edit an account meter relationship

Delete /api/v3/accountmeter/{accountMeterId}

Operation: DeleteAccountMeterV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Delete an account meter

Post /api/v3/accountmeter/{accountMeterId}/rate

Operation: CreateAccountRateV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Creates an AccountRate Relationship. Linking AccountMeter and Rate

Put /api/v3/accountmeter/{accountMeterId}/rate

Operation: EditAccountRateListV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Edit all AccountRate relationships

Post /api/v3/accountmeter/{accountMeterId}/template

Operation: CreateFormTemplateV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Assigns a new template to an account meter.
The new template’s begin date must be after the begin date of all existing template assignments

Put /api/v3/accountmeter/{accountMeterId}/template

Operation: EditFormTemplateListV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Edit all FormTemplate relationships

Delete /api/v3/accountmeter/{accountMeterId}/template/{formTemplateId}

Operation: DeleteTemplateAssignmentV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Delete an template assignment from an account meter
If we are deleting a template assignment in the middle of two other template assignments, then we will move back the next template’s start date
If we are deleting the last template(current template), the extend second last template’s end date to match the account meter’s end date
If we are deleting the first template pull the second template’s begin date to match account meter’s begin date