Operation: GetSystemSettingsV3
Operation: UpdateSystemSettingsV3
Operation: GetAccountingSettingsV3
Get accounting settings
Operation: EditAccountingSettingsV3
Edit accounting settings
Operation: GetAccountPeriodsV3
Get the list of account periods
Operation: GetOrganizationLogoV3
Retrieve the organization logo, if configured. Only URLs or JPEG, PNG, and SVG images are acceptable organization logos. If the saved base64 image is of a different file type, it will return an error.
Operation: GetSystemSettingsNewV3
Get system settings
Operation: EditSystemSettingsNewV3
Edit system settings
Operation: GetLicenseDetailsV3
Get license details.
Operation: EditLicenseDetailsV3
Edit the license details.
Operation: ProcessCustomAppActionV3
Fire a custom application action webhook
Operation: EditSystemSettingsV202405
Edit system settings
Operation: EditSystemSettingsV202306
Edit system settings
Operation: GetReportingSettingsV202305
Get the system reporting settings
Operation: SetReportingSettingsV202305
Set the system reporting settings