Operation: OpenBatchV3
Operation: GetBatchesV3 Paginated
Operation: GetBatchV3
Operation: EditBatchV3
Operation: DeleteBatchV3
Operation: CloseBatchV3
Operation: UpdateBatchStatusV202206
Update the status of a batch.
Requesting user must have BillAndBatches Create to update their own batch or to open another user’s pending batch.
User must have BillsAndBatches Manage to update another user’s batch to closed or pending.
If opening another user’s batch, the requesting user’s open batch (if any) will be set to Pending status.
See ‘Batch Statuses’ section below for more information.
Operation: DistributeAccountChargesToMetersForBillsInBatchV202104
For each bill in the provided batch which has account-level charges, distribute these account charges amongst the meters on the bill.
This is done proportionally by meter use or cost, depending on the split basis.
Maximum of 10000 bills can be processed at one time.