Operation: GetBillBodylinesV202208
Retrieves one bill’s bodylines
Operation: GetBillsV3 Paginated
Retrieves an array of bills. The array of bills can be filtered by a number of criteria. See the filter property for more details
Operation: CreateBillV3
Create a new bill
Operation: GetBillV3
Retrieves one bill
Operation: EditBillV3
Edit an existing bill
Operation: GetBillBodylinesV3 Paginated
Retrieves one bill’s bodylines
Operation: GetAllBillsBodylinesV3 Paginated
Retrieves all bill’s bodylines
Operation: BillActionVoidV3
Update void flag for the given billIDs
Operation: BillActionUpdateHeadersV3
Update all headers for a given list of bills
If a new begin date or end date is being set, bills that would have end dates on or before their begin date will not be updated
If the user does not have permission to edit exported or approved bills, those bills will not be updated
Bill audits won’t be fired
Operation: BillActionApproveV3
Update approved flag for the given billIDs
Operation: BillActionExportHoldV3
Update export hold flag for the given billIDs
Operation: BillActionDeleteV3
Delete given billIDs
Operation: GetPossibleDestinationAccountsV3
Retrieves a list of accounts that contain meters of ALL of the commodities represented by the given Bills
Operation: MoveBillsToAccountV3
Moves the list of given bills to the specified destination account and meters. Each source Meter will be matched with
a corresponding destination Meter based on commodity.
Operation: GetBillAccountMetersActualV3 Paginated
Retrieves bill account meter records
Operation: GetBillAccountMeterActualByBillIdV3
Retrieves bill account meter record for a specific billId
Operation: GetBillAccountMetersCalendarizedV3 Paginated
Retrieves bill account meter calendarized records
Operation: GetBillAccountMeterCalendarizedByBillIdV3
Retrieves bill account meter calendarized record for a specific billId
Operation: GetBillAccountMetersNormalizedV3 Paginated
Retrieves bill account meter normalized records
Operation: GetBillAccountMeterNormalizedByBillIdV3
Retrieves bill account meter normalized record for a specific billId
Operation: GetBillAccountMetersStatisticsV3 Paginated
Retrieves bill account meter statistics records
Operation: GetBillAccountMeterStatisticsByBillIdV3
Retrieves bill account meter statistics record for a specific billId
Operation: GetBillEntryDataV3
Retrieves all data necessary to load the bill entry screen
Operation: GetAccountBillHistoryV3
Retrieves bill history for an account
Operation: GetBillEntryDataByBillIdV3
Retrieves all data necessary to load the bill entry screen
Operation: GetBillHistoryV3
Retrieves bill history from starting at the billId billing period
Operation: ExportBillsV3
Retrieves text of a standard EnergyCAP bill export file for AP and GL purposes.
Maximum of 10000 bills can be processed at one time.
Only bills with the following conditions are included in the export file:
1) approved bills (if the approval system is enabled in workflow settings)
2) bill is in a closed batch (if after batch or after batch approval is set in the workflow settings)
3) bill is not held for export
4) bill is not void
5) bill is within the user’s topmost setting.
6) bill in not already exported
Operation: UnexportBillsV3
Marks one or more bills as unexported.
Operation: UnexportBillsByGuidV3
Marks one or more bills as unexported. The bills to be unexported are selected based on the guid passed in.
The guid is generated when bills are exported via the bill export end point, and the guid is returned in the header of the response in a field named Ec-Guid.
Operation: ExportBillProfileV3
Retrieves the text of a standard EnergyCAP bill export ini file for AP, GL and Payment purposes.
Payment details will be included in the profile if workflow settings for the bill export are configured to include payment details.
Operation: BillActionSplitV3
Run the bill split processor on the given list of bills.
Optional note can be provided.
Optional batch settings can be provided that will allow custom batchcode and bill headers for the destination bills
Operation: CleanDirtyBillsV3
Cleans all dirty bills, and any bills created outside of version 7.
Operation: CleanABillV3
Cleans a single bill. The dirty flag of the bill is not taken into account.
Operation: ProcessBillCustomActionV3
Fires a custom bill action. Custom bill actions are setup as webhooks
Operation: ReverseBillsV3
Creates reversal bills for the given bill ids
Operation: SetBillAccrualExclusionV3
Excludes or undoes exclusion of bills from accruals
Operation: GetBillLineTypeMappingsV202406
Retrieves a list of bill line type mappings
Operation: ExportBillsAsJsonV202405
Retrieves a JSON array of bill details.
Operation: BillPaymentDetailsV202401
For each record in the request body, update the bill payment details.
Operation: GetBillCustomFieldsV202202
Get custom field values for a bill
Operation: EditBillCustomFieldsV202202
Edit the custom field values on a bill
Operation: DownloadBillCustomFieldFileV202202
Download file for a bill custom field
Operation: BillPaymentDetailsV202108
For each record in the request body, update the bill payment details.
Operation: BillPaymentDetailsFileV202108
For each bill in the import file, update the bill payment details.
Operation: DistributeAccountChargesToMetersV202104
For each bill in the request body which has account-level charges, distribute these account charges amongst the meters on the bill.
This is done proportionally by meter use or cost, depending on the split basis.
Maximum of 10000 bills can be processed at one time.