BillSplit APIs

Get /api/v3/billSplit

Operation: GetBillSplitVersionsV3 Permissions: ChargebacksModule (View) Paginated

Get a list of bill split versions which match the provided filter conditions

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/billSplit

Operation: GetBillSplitsV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Get a list of bill split versions on an account

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/billSplit

Operation: GetBillSplitVersionHistoryV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Get a list of bill split versions on this account and meter relationship

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/billSplit

Operation: ManageBillSplitVersionHistoryV3 Permissions: Chargebacks (Manage)

Manage a bill split’s version history
All bill split versions to save on this account and meter relationship should be passed
If versionId is passed, this version will be updated to the request body values
If copyVersionId is passed, a new version will be created and all instructions and inputs on the copyVersionId will be copied
If versionId and copyVersionId are null a new version will be created
Versions cannot overlap
If a bill split version currently exists in the database, but is not passed in it will be deleted
Only versions that are not currently associated with any bills can be deleted
If any part of the create, update, or delete process fails, the entire process is rolled back

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/billSplit/{versionId}

Operation: GetBillSplitDetailsV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Get details for a bill split distribution

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/billSplit/{versionId}

Operation: ManageBillSplitDetailsV3 Permissions: Chargebacks (Manage)

Manage details for a bill split distribution

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/billSplit/{versionId}/chargebackTask

Operation: GetBillSplitChargebackTaskByVersionV3

Get all chargeback tasks with details for a specific version on an account and meter

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/billSplit/parent

Operation: GetAccountBillSplitParentDetailsV3 Permissions: Accounts (View)

Get bill split parent information for an account

Get /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/billSplit/parent

Operation: GetMeterBillSplitParentDetailsV3 Permissions: Meters (View)

Get bill split parent information for a meter