Operation: GetBudgetsV202310
Retrieves all the budgets
Operation: CreateBudgetV202310
Creates a budget
Operation: GetBudgetV202310
Retrieves the budget by ID
Operation: EditBudgetV202310
Edits a budget
Operation: DeleteBudgetV202310
Deletes a budget
Operation: GetBudgetVersionsV202310
Retrieves all the versions for a specified budget
Operation: CreateBudgetVersionV202310
Creates a budget version
Operation: GetBudgetVersionV202310
Retrieves a specific version for a budget
Operation: EditBudgetVersionV202310
Edits a budget version
Operation: DeleteBudgetVersionV202310
Deletes a budget version
Operation: GetBudgetVersionSummaryV202310
Retrieves the summary for a specific version on a budget
Operation: SetBudgetVersionActiveV202310
Sets a budget version as active, and all other versions as inactive.
Operation: GetBudgetDataTypesV202310
Retrieves a list of available budget data types
Operation: GetBudgetPeriodTypesV202310
Retrieves a list of budget period types
Operation: GetBudgetUsageMethodsV202310
Retrieves a list of available budget usage methods