CalculatedBill APIs

Get /api/v3/calculatedBill

Operation: GetCalculatedBillVersionsV3 Permissions: ChargebacksModule (View) Paginated

Get a list of calculated bill versions which match the provided filter conditions

Get /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill

Operation: GetCalculatedBillsV3 Permissions: Meters (View)

Get a list of calculated bill versions on a meter

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill

Operation: GetCalculatedBillVersionHistoryV3 Permissions: Meters (View)

Get a list of calculated bill versions on this account and meter relationship

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill

Operation: ManageCalculatedBillVersionHistoryV3 Permissions: Chargebacks (Manage)

Manage a calculated bill’s version history
All calculated bill versions to save on this account and meter relationship should be passed
If versionId is passed, this version will be updated to the request body values
If copyVersionId is passed, a new version will be created and all instructions and inputs on the copyVersionId will be copied
If versionId and copyVersionId are null a new version will be created
Versions cannot overlap
If a calculated bill version currently exists in the database, but is not passed in it will be deleted
Only versions that are not currently associated with any bills can be deleted
If any part of the create, update, or delete process fails, the entire process is rolled back

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}

Operation: GetCalculateBillDetailsV3 Permissions: Meters (View)

All details related to calculated bill setup including use, cost, meter line items, and account line items

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/use

Operation: ManageCalculateBillUseV3 Permissions: Chargebacks (Manage)

Manage calculated bill’s use
* If use does not exist on the distribution it will be added
* If use already exists it will be saved as the option sent in and any existing inputs will be deleted
* Since use is required for the calculated bill distribution to work, one option is always required and cannot be deleted

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/use

Operation: GetCalculateBillUseV3 Permissions: Meters (View)

Get calculated use details

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/cost

Operation: ManageCalculateBillCostV3 Permissions: Chargebacks (Manage)

Manage calculated bill’s cost
If cost does not exist on the distribution it will be added
If one exists it will be saved as the option sent in
Since cost is required for the calculated bill distribution to work. One option is always required and cannot be deleted

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/cost

Operation: GetCalculateBillCostV3 Permissions: Meters (View)

Get calculated cost details

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/demand

Operation: ManageCalculateBillDemandV3 Permissions: Chargebacks (Manage)

Manage calculated bill’s demand
If demand does not exist on the distribution it will be added
If one exists it will be saved as the option sent in
If the dto sends null for both (channel and fixed), then demand will get cleared

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/demand

Operation: GetCalculateBillDemandV3 Permissions: Meters (View)

Get calculated demand details

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/meterLineItem

Operation: ManageMeterLineItemsV3 Permissions: Chargebacks (Manage)

Manage calculated bill meter line items
The order of items in the list defines the calculation order
All line items to save should be passed
If a line currently exists and is not passed in it will be deleted
If any part of the create, update, or delete process fails, the entire process is rolled back

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/meterLineItem

Operation: GetMeterLineItemsV3 Permissions: Meters (View)

Get calculated bill meter line items

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/accountLineItem

Operation: ManageAccountLineItemsV3 Permissions: Chargebacks (Manage)

Manage calculated bill account line items
The order of items in the list defines the calculation order
All line items to save should be passed
If a line currently exists and is not passed in it will be deleted
If any part of the create, update, or delete process fails, the entire process is rolled back

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/accountLineItem

Operation: GetAccountLineItemsV3 Permissions: Meters (View)

Get calculated bill account line items

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/meter/{meterId}/calculatedBill/{versionId}/chargebackTask

Operation: GetCalculatedBillChargebackTaskByVersionV3

Get all chargeback tasks with details for a specific version on an account and meter

Get /api/v3/recalculateChargebackFlags

Operation: RecalculateChargebackFlagsV3

Forces all Account and Meter Chargeback flags in the system to be recalculated