Operation: GetChargebackWorkflowsV3
Get a list of chargeback workflows
Operation: CreateChargebackWorkflowV3
Create a chargeback workflow
Operation: GetChargebackWorkflowV3
Get a chargeback workflow
Operation: EditChargebackWorkflowV3
Edit a chargeback workflow
Operation: DeleteChargebackWorkflowV3
Delete a chargeback workflow
Operation: GetChargebackWorkflowStepsV3
Get a list of chargeback workflow steps
Operation: GetChargebackWorkflowStepV3
Get a single chargeback workflow step
Operation: AssignVersionsToStepV3
Assign a list of bill split or calculate bill versions to a chargeback workflow step of the same type
Operation: VoidChargebackWorkflowStepsV3
Void all bills created by a chargeback workflow step for a particular billing period
If this workflow step was run multiple times, all bills created across all runs for the billing period will be voided
If this is a split step, any source bills will be reset to has not been split
If any bills have already been exported they will still be voided
Operation: DeleteChargebackWorkflowStepsV3
Delete all bills created by a chargeback workflow step
If this workflow step was run multiple times, all bills created across all runs for the billing period will be voided
If this is a split step, any source bills will be reset to has not been split
If any bills have already been exported they will still be deleted
Operation: GetChargebackWorkflowDigestV3
Get a digest of all bills by meter for all meters involved in a chargeback workflow step for a given billing period.