Operation: GetUnitsByCommodityV3
Returns a list of units by a specific commodity
Operation: GetCommoditiesV3
Returns a list of commodities available with their common units and if they are currently in use
Operation: GetCommodityV3
Returns a commodity with its common units and if it is currently in use
Operation: CreateCommodityV202410
Creates a commodity
Operation: EditCommodityV202410
Edits a commodity
Operation: CreateCommodityV202304
Creates a commodity
Operation: GetCommoditiesV202304
Gets the commodities
If topmostcostcenter, topmostcollection, topmostplace or account filters are used then the commodities in use at or under that node will be returned.
The inUse filter cannot be combined with the above filters.
Operation: GetCommodityV202304
Gets a commodity
Operation: EditCommodityV202304
Edits a commodity
Operation: DeleteCommodityV202304
Deletes a commodity
Operation: GetUnitsByCommodityV202304
Returns a list of units for a specific commodity and value type