CostCenter APIs

Get /api/v3/costcenter

Operation: GetCostCentersV3 Permissions: CostCenters (View) Paginated

Retrieves all the cost centers

Post /api/v3/costcenter

Operation: CreateCostCenterV3 Permissions: CostCenters (Create)

Creates a Cost Center

Get /api/v3/costcenter/{costCenterId}

Operation: GetCostCenterV3 Permissions: CostCenters (View)

Retrieves the cost center by ID

Put /api/v3/costcenter/{costCenterId}

Operation: EditCostCenterV3 Permissions: CostCenters (Edit)

Edits a cost center

Delete /api/v3/costcenter/{costCenterId}

Operation: DeleteCostCenterV3 Permissions: CostCenters (Delete)

Deletes a cost center

Put /api/v3/parentCostCenter/{parentCostCenterId}/costCenter

Operation: MoveCostCenterV3 Permissions: CostCenters (Edit)

Move list of costCenters to be under parentCostCenterId