Dashboard APIs

Get /api/v3/dashboard

Operation: GetDashboardsV3

Retrieves an array of dashboards. The array of dashboards can be filtered by a number of criteria. See the filter property for more details
For a dashboard to be returned you must have created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps View permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Post /api/v3/dashboard

Operation: CreateDashboardV3 Permissions: DashboardAndMapsModule (View)

Creates a dashboard

Get /api/v3/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Operation: GetDashboardV3

Retrieves a dashboard.
For a dashboard to be returned you must have created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps View permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Put /api/v3/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Operation: EditDashboardV3 Permissions: DashboardAndMapsModule (View)

Edit a dashboard
To edit a dashboard you must have created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps Edit permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Delete /api/v3/dashboard/{dashboardId}

Operation: DeleteDashboardV3 Permissions: DashboardAndMapsModule (View)

Delete a dashboard
To delete a dashboard you must have created it
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public

Post /api/v3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/copy

Operation: CopyDashboardV3 Permissions: DashboardAndMapsModule (View)

Copy a dashboard
To copy a dashboard you must have created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps View permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Get /api/v3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/widget

Operation: GetDashboardWidgetsV3

Get all widgets on a dashboard
For a dashboard to be returned you must have created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps View permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Post /api/v3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/widget

Operation: AddWidgetV3 Permissions: DashboardAndMapsModule (View)

Add a widget to a dashboard
To add widgets to a dashboard you must have created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps Edit permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Put Deprecated /api/v3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/widget

Operation: EditDashboardWidgetsV3 Permissions: DashboardAndMapsModule (View)

Reorder, edit, and delete specific widgets on a dashboard.
To edit dashboard widgets you must have created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps Edit permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Get /api/v3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/share

Operation: GetDashboardShareV3

Get the individual users and user groups a dashboard is shared with
For a dashboard to be returned you must have created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps View permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Put /api/v3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/share

Operation: EditDashboardShareV3

Update the shared users and user groups for a dashboard
To remove sharing completely set SharedWithEveryone to false, SharedUserIds to [], and SharedUserGroupIds to []
You must have created the dashboard and have SharedDashboardsOrMaps Create permission
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard must be shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public

Put /api/v3/dashboard/{dashboardId}/visible

Operation: DashboardActionVisibleV3 Permissions: DashboardAndMapsModule (View)

Update the visibility of a dashboard for the current user
This must be a dashboard you can see
Which means you must have created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps View permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Put /api/v202208/dashboard/{dashboardId}/widget

Operation: EditDashboardWidgetsV202208 Permissions: DashboardAndMapsModule (View)

Reorder, edit, and delete specific widgets on a dashboard.
To edit dashboard widgets you must have created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps Edit permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Put /api/v202208/dashboard/{dashboardId}/publicsetting

Operation: EditDashboardSettingsV202208 Permissions: PublicDashboardsOrMaps (Manage)

Edits the public display settings for a dashboard. Settings can only be applied to public dashboards. Filter settings cannot be applied to Map dashboards.
To apply these settings, you must have the PublicDashboardsOrMaps Manage permission.
You must also have either created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps Edit permission and the dashboard is shared with you

Get /api/v202208/dashboard/{dashboardId}/mapsetting

Operation: GetMapDashboardSettingsV202208 Permissions: DashboardAndMapsModule (View)

Gets the current display settings and filters for a specific map dashboard. Cannot be used to retreive settings for a standard dashboard.

Put /api/v202208/dashboard/{dashboardId}/mapsetting

Operation: EditMapDashboardSettingsV202208 Permissions: DashboardAndMapsModule (View)

Applies display settings and filters to a map dashboard. These settings are specific to map dashboards, and cannot be applied to standard dashboards.
To apply these settings, You must also have either:
Created the dashboard
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage and the dashboard is shared at all
or have DashboardAdministrator Manage permission and the dashboard is public
or have SharedDashboardsOrMaps Edit permission and the dashboard is shared with you