EnergyStar APIs

Get /api/v3/energyStar/pmProperty

Operation: GetPortfolioManagerPropertiesV3 Permissions: BuildingsAndOrganizations (View)

Get list of Portfolio Manager properties

Get /api/v3/energyStar/pmProperty/{pmPropertyId}

Operation: GetPortfolioManagerPropertyV3 Permissions: BuildingsAndOrganizations (View)

Get a Portfolio Manager property

Get /api/v3/energyStar/pmProperty/{pmPropertyId}/pmMeter

Operation: GetPortfolioManagerPropertyMetersV3 Permissions: BuildingsAndOrganizations (View)

Get list of Portfolio Manager meters for a property

Get /api/v3/energyStar/submissionStatus

Operation: GetEnergyStarSubmissionStatusListV3 Permissions: ENERGYSTARSubmissions (Run)

Get the submission status for places by submission period.
Places that do not match the filter criteria will not be returned.

NOTE: Deleting/voiding bills that have already been submitted will not cause submission status to change from “submitted”.

Get /api/v3/energyStar/task

Operation: GetEnergyStarTasksV3 Permissions: ENERGYSTARSubmissions (Run) Paginated

Get a list of ENERGY STAR tasks with their details

Get /api/v3/energyStar/task/{energyStarTaskId}

Operation: GetEnergyStarTaskV3 Permissions: ENERGYSTARSubmissions (Run)

Get an ENERGY STAR task with its details

Post /api/v3/energyStar/submit

Operation: CreateEnergyStarSubmissionV3 Permissions: ENERGYSTARSubmissions (Run)

Initiate (create) a submission of place data to ENERGY STAR

Post /api/v3/energyStar/metrics

Operation: UpdateEnergyStarMetricsV3 Permissions: ENERGYSTARSubmissions (Run)

Update ENERGY STAR metrics for the places matching the request criteria.

Operation: UnlinkOwnerFromPortfolioManagerV202110 Permissions: ENERGYSTARSubmissions (Manage)

Unlink owner from portfolio manager account

Get /api/v202110/energyStar/setting

Operation: GetEnergyStarSettingsV202110 Permissions: BuildingsAndOrganizations (View)

Get settings for ENERGY STAR submissions

Put /api/v202110/energyStar/setting

Operation: EditEnergyStarSettingsV202110 Permissions: ENERGYSTARSubmissions (Manage)

Edit settings for ENERGY STAR submissions

Post /api/v202110/energyStar/autosubmit

Operation: AutoSubmitToEnergyStarV202110 Permissions: ENERGYSTARSubmissions (Run)

Automatically submit billing data to ENERGY STAR
By default calendarized bill data for a 13-month period (excludes current and last month) in the “Ready” state for all buildings setup to automatically submit to ENERGY STAR will be submitted
If 13 months is not preferred, set up the owner’s systemdata key called “EnergyStarAutoSubmitNumOfMonths” with an integer value representing the preferred number of months
For example - Today is 25th Nov 2021 - all calendarized data for Sep 2020 through Sep 2021 will be submitted
The buildings submitted will be within the user’s topmost place
No data prior to the earliest period to submit set up in ENERGY STAR settings will ever be submitted

Put /api/v202110/energyStar/acceptShares

Operation: AcceptPropertyAndMeterSharingRequestsV202110 Permissions: BuildingsAndOrganizations (Edit)

Accept any pending property and meter share requests from ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager

Get /api/v202110/energyStar/connectionstatus

Operation: GetPMConnectionStatusV202110 Permissions: ENERGYSTARSubmissions (Manage)

Get the connection status for a Portfolio Manager account and database

Get /api/v202109/energyStar/commodity

Operation: GetEnergyStarCommodityMappingsV202109 Permissions: BuildingsAndOrganizations (View)

Get a list of all commodities and, if configured, their mappings in ENERGY STAR