Operation: GetEsaPlaceSchedulesV202407
Gets the schedules of a place
Operation: EditEsaPlaceSchedulesV202407
Manages the schedules of a place
Operation: GetEsaPlacesV202406 Paginated
Retrieves all ESA places
Operation: CreateEsaPlaceV202406
Creates an ESA place
Operation: GetEsaPlaceV202406
Retrieves an ESA place by place ID
Operation: EditEsaPlaceV202406
Edits an ESA place
Operation: DeleteEsaPlaceV202406
Deletes an ESA place
Operation: MoveEsaPlaceV202406
Move list of places to be under a parent place
Operation: GetEsaPlaceSizeHistoryV202406
Retrieves the entire size history of an ESA place by ID
Operation: GetEsaPlaceChildrenSizesV202406
Retrieves the current sizes of all of an ESA place’s children.
If a place has no children, nothing is returned.
Operation: EditEsaPlaceSizeHistoryV202406
Manages the version history for a single ESA place.
This endpoint handles Creating, Editing, and Deleting place sizes for ESA places in bulk.
Operation: BulkEditDataRollupV202406
Set and Reset the data Rollup from esa place