EsaReading APIs

Get /api/v202410/esaReading/summarized

Operation: GetEsaSummarizedReadingsV202410 Paginated

Retrieves all summarized ESA readings

Post /api/v202410/esaReading/summarized

Operation: UpsertEsaSummarizedReadingV202410

Creates and Edits summarized readings for a datapoint and channel

Get /api/v202410/esaReading/summarized/csv

Operation: GetEsaSummarizedReadingsAsCSVV202410

Retrieves all summarized ESA readings and exports them as a CSV file. File contents can be filtered and ordered.

Post /api/v202410/esaReading/summarized/delete

Operation: DeleteEsaSummarizedReadingsV202410

Deletes existing summarized readings.
Each set of meter readings to be deleted is on one channel and covers a time range signified by a begin and end date and time.
The time range includes all readings greater than the begin time and less than or equal to the end date and time.
To delete only one reading, set the begin and end date and time to the same value.
If the summarized reading is system-generated, the endpoint will return an error indicating that it cannot be deleted.

Post /api/v202407/esaReading

Operation: CreateEsaReadingsV202407

Create new readings. Existing readings at the same time for a given channel will be overwritten.

Get /api/v202407/esaReading

Operation: GetEsaReadingsV202407 Paginated

Retrieves all raw and processed ESA readings

Post /api/v202407/esaReading/delete

Operation: DeleteEsaReadingsV202407

Deletes existing channel readings.
Each set of meter readings to be deleted is on one channel and covers a time range signified by a begin and end date and time.
The time range includes all readings greater than the begin time and less than or equal to the end date and time.
To delete only one reading, set the begin and end date and time to the same value.