Flag APIs

Get /api/v3/flag/{entityType}/{entityId}

Operation: GetFlagV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View)

Get flag data for a specified entity

Put /api/v3/flag/{entityType}/{entityId}

Operation: EditFlagV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (Manage)

Edit flag data for a specified entity

Get /api/v3/flag/flagType

Operation: GetFlagTypesV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View)

Get a list of all available flag types

Post /api/v3/flag/flagType

Operation: CreateFlagTypeV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View)

Create a flag type

Delete /api/v3/flag/flagType/{flagTypeId}

Operation: DeleteFlagTypeV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View)

Delete a flag type. System flag types cannot be deleted.

Put /api/v3/flag/{entityType}/flagAction

Operation: FlagActionV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (Manage)

Updates flags for a given list of entities. If the entity does not currently have a flag, one will be created.

Get /api/v3/flag/place/{placeId}/hierarchy

Operation: FlagInPlaceHierarchyV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View)

Checks a given place and it’s child places, meters, and bills for the existence of a flag
For bill flags, void bills are excluded

Get /api/v3/flag/costCenter/{costCenterId}/hierarchy

Operation: FlagInCostCenterHierarchyV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View)

Checks a given cost center and it’s child cost centers, accounts, and bills for the existence of a flag
For bill flags, void bills are excluded

Get /api/v3/flag/meter/{meterId}/hierarchy

Operation: FlagInMeterHierarchyV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View)

Checks a given meter and it’s bills for the existence of a flag
For bill flags, void bills are excluded

Get /api/v3/flag/account/{accountId}/hierarchy

Operation: FlagInAccountHierarchyV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View)

Checks a given account and it’s bills for the existence of a flag
For bill flags, void bills are excluded

Get /api/v3/flag/costcenter/{costCenterId}/billFlagSummary

Operation: BillFlagSummaryByAccountV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View) Paginated

Returns a tabular flag summary by Account for all the accounts under the given cost center

Get /api/v3/flag/place/{placeId}/billFlagSummary

Operation: BillFlagSummaryByMeterV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View) Paginated

Returns a tabular flag summary by Meter for all the meters under the given place

Get /api/v202501/flag/flagIssue/{entityType}/{entityId}

Operation: GetFlagIssuesV202501 Permissions: FlaggedItems (View)

Get flag issues for a specified entity

Put /api/v202501/flag/flagIssue/{entityType}/{entityId}

Operation: EditFlagIssuesV202501 Permissions: FlaggedItems (Manage)

Put /api/v202501/flag/flagIssueAction

Operation: FlagIssueActionV202501 Permissions: FlaggedItems (Manage)

Updates flag issues for a given list of flag issue ids