Operation: MakeFactorLinksV3
Updates GHG factor links for all meters.
Operation: GetGHGFactorsV202307 Paginated
Retrieves all the ghg factors
Operation: GetGHGFactorCategoriesV202307
Retrieves all the ghg factor categories
Operation: GetGHGFactorRegionsV202307
Retrieves all the ghg factor regions
Operation: GetGHGScopesWithCategoriesV202210
Get all GHG scope categories and scopes
GHG License is required to call this endpoint
Operation: GetGHGFactorsByCategoryV202210
Get a list of GHG categories and their factors
GHG License is required to call this endpoint
Operation: GetGHGFactorVersionHistoryV202210
Get the version history of a specific GHG factor
Operation: GetDefaultGHGSettingsV202210
Get the default GHG scopes and factors that are applied to new meters
GHG License is required to call this endpoint
Operation: EditDefaultGHGSettingsV202210
Edit the default GHG scopes and factors that are applied to new meters.
Only included CommodityIds will be updated.
If a CommodityId is not included in the list the currently assigned value will remain.
To remove a default for a particular CommodityId set it’s ScopeCategoryId and DefaultFactor to null.
Operation: GetMeterGHGSettingsV202210
Get the configured GHG scope category and factor for a meter.
GHG License is required to call this endpoint.
Operation: EditMeterGHGSettingsV202210
Edit the configured GHG scope and factor for a meter.
GHG License is required to call this endpoint.
Operation: DeleteMeterGHGSettingsV202210
Delete the configured GHG scope and factor for a meter.
This will remove all historical GHG information for the meter.
GHG License is required to call this endpoint.