Operation: BillImportV3
This endpoint allows the import of an EnergyCAP Advanced or a profile mapped file. The file can be comma separated file (CSV/DAT/TXT) or EXCEL (XLSX) or a collection of files (ZIP). The file should be base64 encoded with a UTF8 character set.
Operation: ReadingImportV3
This endpoint allows the import of a channel reading (“interval”) data import file. The file should be a base64-encoded delimited text file with a UTF8 character set.
Operation: CreateReadingImportProfileV3
Creates an interval data import profile
Operation: GetReadingImportProfilesV3
Returns all Reading Import profiles
Operation: GetReadingImportProfileV3
Returns one reading import profile
Operation: EditReadingImportProfileV3
Edits an interval data import profile
Operation: DeleteReadingImportProfileV3
Deletes a reading import profile
Operation: GetBillImportProfilesV3
Get all bill import profiles
Operation: WriteBillImportProfileV3
Creates a bill import profile
Operation: GetBillImportProfileV3
Get a bill import profile
Operation: DeleteBillImportProfileV3
Deletes a bill import profile
Operation: EditBillImportProfileV3
Edit a bill import profile
Operation: GetEsaReadingImportProfilesV202407
Get all ESA reading import profiles
Operation: CreateEsaReadingImportProfileV202407
Creates an ESA reading import profile
Operation: GetEsaReadingImportProfileV202407
Gets an ESA reading import profile
Operation: EditEsaReadingImportProfileV202407
Edits an ESA reading import profile
Operation: DeleteEsaReadingImportProfileV202407
Deletes an ESA reading import profile
Operation: ImportEsaReadingWithProfileV202407
This endpoint allows the import of an ESA reading import file.
The file should be a base64-encoded file with a UTF8 character set.
Operation: GetRecordImportProfilesV202403
Get all emission record import profiles
Operation: CreateRecordImportProfileV202403
Creates an emission record import profile
Operation: GetRecordImportProfileV202403
Get an emission record import profile
Operation: EditRecordImportProfileV202403
Edits an emission record import profile
Operation: DeleteRecordImportProfileV202403
Deletes an emission record import profile
Operation: ImportEmissionRecordsWithProfileV202403
This endpoint allows the import of a emission records import file.
The file should be a base64-encoded delimited text file with a UTF8 character set.
Operation: ImportBillImportTaskKickoutsV202401
This endpoint allows the reimport of an EnergyCAP.
All kickout files generated from the import will be zipped and reimported as a single task.
Operation: GetTaskKickoutSummaryV202401
Retrieves a list of kickout messages associated with a specified bill import task
Operation: GetTaskKickoutSummaryByFileV202401
Retrieves a list of kickout messages associated with a specified bill import task and file.
Operation: GetBillImportKickoutDetailsV202401
Retrieves the kickout details associated with a specified bill import task and an optional kickout message.
Operation: GetBillImportKickoutDetailsByFileV202401
Retrieves the kickout details associated with a specified bill import task, file and an optional kickout message.