List APIs

Get /api/v3/emissionSource/{emissionSourceId}/list/record

Operation: EmissionSourceRecordListV3 Permissions: Records (View) Paginated

Get the emission source records list

Get /api/v3/emissionSource/{emissionSourceId}/list/record/excelexport

Operation: EmissionSourceRecordListExcelExportV3 Permissions: Records (View)

Export list data to excel spreadsheet format

Get /api/v3/collection/{collectionId}/list/record

Operation: CollectionRecordListV3 Permissions: Records (View) Paginated

Get the collection records list

Get /api/v3/collection/{collectionId}/list/record/excelexport

Operation: CollectionRecordListExcelExportV3 Permissions: Records (View)

Export list data to excel spreadsheet format

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill

Operation: AccountListV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (View) Paginated

Get the account bills list

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/export

Operation: AccountBillListExportV3 Permissions: ExportBills (Run)

Export all account bills to ap or gl
Maximum of 10000 bills can be processed at one time.

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/unexport

Operation: AccountBillListUnexportV3 Permissions: ExportBills (Run)

Unexport account bills

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/approve

Operation: AccountBillListApproveV3 Permissions: ApproveBills (Manage)

Approve/unapprove account bills

Delete /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/data

Operation: AccountBillListDeleteBillsV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Delete)

Delete all bills for account

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/exporthold

Operation: AccountBillListExportHoldV3 Permissions: ExportHold (Manage)

Hold/release account bills for export

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/void

Operation: AccountBillListVoidV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Void/unvoid account bills

Get /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/excelexport

Operation: AccountBillListExcelExportV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (View)

Export list data to excel spreadsheet format

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/possibleDestinationAccounts

Operation: GetPossibleDestinationAccountsForAccountListV3 Permissions: MoveExistingBills (Manage)

Retrieves a list of Accounts that contain meters of ALL of the commodities represented by the given Account’s Bill List

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/moveBills

Operation: MoveBillsToAccountFromAccountListV3 Permissions: MoveExistingBills (Manage)

Moves the bills from the given Account's Bill List to the specified destination Account and Meters. Each source Meter <br/>    will be matched with a corresponding destination Meter based on commodity.<br/><param name="accountId"><br/>    Account for the Bill List containing a list of bills that should be moved. All bills from this Account's Bill List will be moved.<br/></param><param name="dto"><br/>    DTO containing the destination Account Id, the destination AcountMeter Ids, a flag indicating whether the Account GL <br/>    information should be updated, a flag indicating whether the Meter GL information should be updated,<br/>    and a flag indicating whether linked emissions record scope and GHG factors should be updated.<br/>    WARNING: If emissions record scope categories and GHG factors are updated, any notes and/or attachments on those emissions records will be lost.<br/></param>

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/customAction

Operation: AccountBillListCustomActionV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Fires a custom bill action on an account bill list. Custom bill actions are setup as webhooks.

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/reverse

Operation: ReverseAccountBillListV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Reverses all bills on an account bill list

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/accrualExclusion

Operation: SetAccountBillListAccrualExclusionV3 Permissions: AccrualSettings (Manage)

Excludes or undoes exclusion of bills from accruals

Put /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/billHeaders

Operation: UpdateAccountBillListHeadersV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Updates bill headers for the bills for an account’s bill list
Audits won’t be fired

Get /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill

Operation: MeterBillListV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (View) Paginated

Get the meter bills list

Put /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/export

Operation: MeterBillListExportV3 Permissions: ExportBills (Run)

Export all meter bills to ap or gl
Maximum of 10000 bills can be processed at one time.

Put /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/unexport

Operation: MeterBillListUnexportV3 Permissions: ExportBills (Run)

Unexport meter bills

Put /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/approve

Operation: MeterBillListApproveV3 Permissions: ApproveBills (Manage)

Approve/unapprove meter bills

Delete /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/data

Operation: MeterBillListDeleteBillsV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Delete)

Delete all bills for meter

Put /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/exporthold

Operation: MeterBillListExportHoldV3 Permissions: ExportHold (Manage)

Hold/release meter bills for export

Put /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/void

Operation: MeterBillListVoidV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Void/unvoid meter bills

Get /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/excelexport

Operation: MeterBillListExcelExportV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (View)

Export list data to excel spreadsheet format

Put /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/customAction

Operation: MeterBillListCustomActionV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Fires a custom bill action on a meter bill list. Custom bill actions are setup as webhooks

Put /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/reverse

Operation: ReverseMeterBillListV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Reverses all bills on a meter bill list

Put /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/accrualExclusion

Operation: SetMeterBillListAccrualExclusionV3 Permissions: AccrualSettings (Manage)

Excludes or undoes exclusion of bills from accruals

Put /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/billHeaders

Operation: UpdateMeterBillListHeadersV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Updates bill headers for all bills on a meter bill list
Audits won’t be fired

Post /api/v3/dynamiclist/{listTypeId}

Operation: GetDynamicListWithDataV3 Paginated

Get the definition and data for a list type

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/filter

Operation: EditListFiltersV3

Set list filters
If a filter exists in the database, but is not passed in it will be deleted.
For list filters to be edited you must have created the list
or have BillListAdministrator Manage permission and the list is shared with anyone
or have SharedBillList Edit permission and the list is shared with you.

Get /api/v3/list/{listId}/filter

Operation: GetListFiltersV3

Get the filters for a list

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/column

Operation: EditListColumnsV3

Edit the column definition for the list.
For list columns to be edited you must have created the list
or have BillListAdministrator Manage permission and the list is shared with anyone
or have SharedBillList Edit permission and the list is shared with you.

Post /api/v3/list/{listId}/reset

Operation: ResetListV3

Reset a list to its default columns and filters.
For a list to be reset you must have created the list
or have BillListAdministrator Manage permission and the list is shared with anyone
or have SharedBillList Edit permission and the list is shared with you.

Post /api/v3/list/{listId}

Operation: CreateAndCopyListV3

Create a new list as a copy of an existing list

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}

Operation: EditListV3

Edit a list

Delete /api/v3/list/{listId}

Operation: DeleteListV3

Delete a list.
For a list to be deleted you must have created the list or have Manage permission and the list is shared with anyone.

Post /api/v3/list

Operation: CreateDefaultListV3

Create a new list with default list settings

Get /api/v3/list

Operation: GetListsV3

Get lists.
For a list to be returned you must have created the list or have access to it.

Get /api/v3/list/{listId}/data

Operation: GetListWithDataV3 Paginated

Get the definition and data for a list.
For a list to be returned you must have created the list or have access to it.

Delete /api/v3/list/{listId}/data

Operation: DeleteBillsInBillListV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Delete)

Delete all bills in a bill list

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/export

Operation: ExportBillListV3 Permissions: ExportBills (Run)

Export all bills in a list to ap or gl
Maximum of 10000 bills can be processed at one time.

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/approve

Operation: ApproveBillListV3 Permissions: ApproveBills (Manage)

Approve/unapprove bill list

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/exporthold

Operation: ExportHoldBillListV3 Permissions: ExportHold (Manage)

Hold/release bill list for export

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/void

Operation: VoidBillListV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Void/unvoid bill list

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/billHeaders

Operation: UpdateBillListHeadersV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Update all headers for a bill list
If a new begin date or end date is being set, bills that would have end dates on or before their begin date will not be updated
If the user does not have permission to edit exported or approved bills, those bills will not be updated
Bills audits won’t be fired

Get /api/v3/list/{listId}/data/excelexport

Operation: ListExportV3

Export list data to excel spreadsheet format

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/possibleDestinationAccounts

Operation: GetPossibleDestinationAccountsForListV3 Permissions: MoveExistingBills (Manage)

Retrieves a list of accounts that contain meters of ALL of the commodities represented by the given Bill List

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/moveBills

Operation: MoveBillsToAccountFromListV3 Permissions: MoveExistingBills (Manage)

Moves the bills from the given Bill List to the specified destination Account and Meters. Each source Meter will be matched with <br/>    a corresponding destination Meter based on commodity.<br/><param name="listId"><br/>    Bill List containing a list of bills that should be moved. All bills from this list will be moved.<br/></param><param name="dto"><br/>    DTO containing the destination Account Id, the destination AcountMeter Ids, a flag indicating whether the Account GL <br/>    information should be updated, a flag indicating whether the Meter GL information should be updated,<br/>    and a flag indicating whether linked emissions record scope and GHG factors should be updated.<br/>    WARNING: If emissions record scope categories and GHG factors are updated, any notes and/or attachments on those emissions records will be lost.<br/></param>

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/flagAction

Operation: FlagBillListActionV3 Permissions: FlaggedItems (Manage)

Create and/or update flags for all bills in a list

Post /api/v3/list/{listId}/bill/generateimport

Operation: ExportHistoricalBillListV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (View)

Generate a bill import file from bills in a list.

Post /api/v3/account/{accountId}/list/bill/generateimport

Operation: AccountExportHistoricalBillListV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (View)

Generate a bill import file from all bills in an account bill list.

Post /api/v3/meter/{meterId}/list/bill/generateimport

Operation: MeterExportHistoricalBillListV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (View)

Generate a bill import file from all bills in a meter bill list.

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/unexport

Operation: UnexportBillListV3 Permissions: ExportBills (Run)

Unexport bill list

Post /api/v3/list/{listId}/split

Operation: SplitBillListV3 Permissions: Chargebacks (Run)

Split all bills eligible to be split in a bill list

Get /api/v3/list/{listId}/share

Operation: GetListShareV3

Get the shared users and user groups for a list.
You must have created the list and have SharedBillLists Create permission or have BillListAdministrator Manage permission
or must have created the list and have SharedRecordsLists Create permission or have RecordsListAdministrator Manage permission

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/share

Operation: EditListShareV3

Update the shared users and user groups for a list.
To remove sharing completely set SharedWithEveryone to false, SharedUserIds to [], and SharedUserGroupIds to [].
You must have created the list and have SharedBillLists Create permission or have BillListAdministrator Manage permission
or must have created the list and have SharedRecordsLists Create permission or have RecordsListAdministrator Manage permission

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/visible

Operation: EditListShareVisibilityV3

Update the visibility of a list for the current user.
You must have created the list or have access to it.

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/customAction

Operation: BillListCustomActionV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Fires a custom bill action on a bill list

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/reverse

Operation: ReverseBillListV3 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

Reverses all bills on a bill list

Put /api/v3/list/{listId}/accrualExclusion

Operation: SetBillListAccrualExclusionV3 Permissions: AccrualSettings (Manage)

Excludes or undoes exclusion of bills from accruals

Put /api/V202502/list/{listId}/flagIssueAction

Operation: FlagIssueBillListActionV202502 Permissions: FlaggedItems (Manage)

Update flag issuess for all issues in a list

Put /api/v202104/list/{listId}/distributeAccountCharges

Operation: DistributeAccountChargesToMetersForBillsInListV202104 Permissions: BillsAndBatches (Edit)

For each bill in the provided list which has account-level charges, distribute these account charges amongst the meters on the bill.
This is done proportionally by meter use or cost, depending on the split basis.
Maximum of 10000 bills can be processed at one time.