Operation: CreateMeterV3
Creates a meter
Operation: GetMetersV3 Paginated
Retrieves all meters
Operation: GetMeterV3
Retrieves one meter
Operation: EditMeterV3
Edits a meter
Operation: DeleteMeterV3
Deletes a meter
Operation: EditMeterUDFsV3
Edits user defined field / custom field values for a particular meter
Operation: GetMeterUdfsV3
Retrieves all user defined fields / custom fields for a particular meter
Operation: GetMetersUdfsV3 Paginated
Retrieves all user defined fields / custom fields for all meters
Operation: GetMeterGroupsV3
Retrieves all Meter Groups for a particular meter
Operation: EditMeterGroupMembershipV3
Edits a meter’s group memberships.
Note that all groups a meter should belong to must be passed in. Passing in one group means that the meter will belong to one group only,
even if it previously belonged to several.
Only manual groups assignments can be changed; auto groups are unaffected.
Operation: GetMeterRatesV3
Retrieves all rates for a particular meter
Operation: GetMeterTemplatesV3
Retrieves all templates for a particular meter
Operation: GetMeterBillsV3
Retrieves all bills for a particular meter
Operation: GetGHGMeterFactorsV3
Get the ghg meter factors
Operation: GetCalendarizedUseVsWeatherDataV3
Get calendarized Use vs Weather data
Operation: MoveMeterV3
Move list of meters to be under parentPlaceId
Operation: EditMeterSerialNumberVersionV3
Operation: EditEmissionSourceLinkV202307
Edit emission source data on a meter
Operation: EditMeterWithUnitsV202307
Edits a meter - unlike the original v3 EditMeter API, the meter use unit will be removed if it is null
Operation: EditWatticsDataPointLinkV202302
Edit SmartAnalytics (Wattics) data on a meter
Operation: ProcessMeterCustomActionV202211
Fires a custom meter action. Custom meter actions are setup as webhooks
Operation: GetUnplacedMetersV202203 Paginated
Get all unplaced meters
Operation: DownloadMeterCustomFieldFileV202105
Download file for a meter custom field