Operation: CreateReadingsV3
Creates new readings
Operation: DeleteReadingsV3
Deletes one or more sets of meter readings.
Each set of meter readings to be deleted is on one channel and covers a time range signified by a begin and end date and time.
The time range includes all readings greater than the begin time and less than or equal to the end date and time.
To delete only one reading, set the begin and end date and time to the same value.
Operation: GetReadingsV3
Retrieves an array of readings
Operation: DeleteSingleReadingV3
Deletes a single interval data reading by its ID
Operation: EditSingleReadingV3
Edits a single interval data reading.
Duplicate timestamps are not allowed for readings on a given channel.
If the reading being edited has the same timestamp as another reading on the same channel, this end point throws an error