Operation: GetPlaceBenchmarkSettingsV3
Get all the place benchmark names and categories for the owner
Operation: EditPlaceBenchmarkSettingsV3
The user can edit the category and name for each benchmark
If a benchmark has not been configured, it is configured
User cannot delete a benchmark from this endpoint
If the benchmark dto is null or not passed the API will ignore it
If the benchmark dto is not null, the category and name are required
Operation: DeletePlaceBenchmarkSettingV3
Delete the settings for the place benchmark defined by the benchmarkIndicator.
Deletes all corresponding place benchmark values that were defined for that indicator.
Updates user-defined autogroup membership for groups that contained filters for that indicator.
Operation: GetPlaceBenchmarkCategoriesV3
Get all place benchmark categories in the database
Operation: EditPlaceBenchmarkValuesV3
Edit all values for a benchmark factor on a place
Operation: GetBenchmarkValuesV3
Retrieves benchmark values for a place
Operation: CreatePlaceBenchmarkValueV3
Creates a place benchmark value
If a preceding benchmark value exists, the preceding record’s end date will be changed to match the created records begin date
If a succeeding benchmark value exists, the created record’s end date will match the succeeding benchmarks begin date
Operation: DeleteBenchmarkValueV3
Delete a single benchmark value.
If a preceding benchmark value exists, the preceding record’s end date will be changed to prevent any gaps in benchmark values
Operation: UpdatePlaceBenchmarkValueV3
Updates a place benchmark value
If the begin date is being modified, the following will happen:
* Records that now precede and previously preceded this benchmark will have their end dates modified to prevent gaps in benchmarks
* If a succeeding benchmark value exists for the new begin date, the end date will be modified to match the succeeding benchmarks end date