Operation: GetRateV3
Get a rate schedule
Operation: EditRateV3
Edit a rate
Operation: DeleteRateV3
Delete a rate schedule
Operation: GetRatesV3 Paginated
Get a list of all rate schedules matching the provided filters
Operation: CreateRateV3
Create a rate schedule
Operation: GetRateVersionV3
Get a rate version with its details including dates, unit cost values, and bodylines
Operation: EditRateVersionV3
Edit a rate schedule version
Operation: DeleteRateVersionV3
Delete a version of a rate schedule
Operation: GetRateVersionsV3
Get a list of all versions for a rate schedule with their details including dates, unit cost values, and bodylines
Operation: CreateRateVersionV3
Create a rate schedule version
Operation: GetRateUnitV3
Get the unit used by a rate. The unit is determined by the usage unit on the most recent template assigned to a meter with the given rate.
Operation: DownloadRateCustomFieldFileV202105
Download file for a rate custom field