Operation: CreateReportGroupV3
Operation: GetReportGroupsV3
Operation: DeleteReportGroupV3
Deletes a Report Group
Operation: EditReportGroupV3
Operation: GetReportGroupV3
Operation: GetSpecificReportsV3
Get a filterable list of installed, saved, and shared reports available to the current user.
Operation: GetSpecificReportV3
Get a report by its specificReportID.
Operation: EditSpecificReportV3
Edit a specific report
Operation: DeleteSpecificReportV3
Operation: InstallReportsV3
Operation: GetReportFiltersV3
Get the filters for a specific report.
Operation: EditReportFiltersV3
Edit the filters for a specific report.
Operation: RunReportV3
Run a report and download in the provided format
Operation: DistributeReportV3
Execute a report, save it in a given format, and email it to a list of recipients.
If distributing reports, returns a 204 No Content if onlySendIfData is set to True and the report generated no data;
returns a 200 and the generated report for download or an empty body if onlySendIfData is set to True
Operation: ProcessReportSubscriptionsV3
Execute and email report subscriptions that are ready to be run
Operation: CreateSpecificReportV3
Save a specific report to Saved Reports
Operation: RunQuickReportV3
Generates a “quick report” in the specified export format (or in its preferred export format if not specified) as identified by the provided report code and applying ONLY the filters supplied.
Operation: GetReportSharingDetailsV3
Get sharing information for a report
Operation: ShareSavedReportV3
Share a saved report with other users
Operation: ToggleSharedReportVisibilityV3
Update the visibility of a report for the current user
This must be a report you can see
Which means you must have created the report
or have ReportAdministrator Manage permission and the report is shared at all
or have SharedReports View permission and the report is shared with you
Operation: CreateReportSubscriptionV3
Subscribe to a report and receive scheduled emails
This must be a saved report that belongs to or is shared with the current user
Only SSRS reports are supported
Operation: EditReportSubscriptionV3
Edit a report subscription
This must be a subscription that belongs to the current user
Operation: DeleteReportSubscriptionV3
Delete a report subscription
This must be a subscription that belongs to the current user
Operation: GetReportSubscriptionScheduleTypesV3
Get a list of all available report subscription schedule types, and their day indicator values