Operation: GetRoutesV3
Retrieves all routes
Operation: CreateRouteV3
Creates a new route and assigns a group of meters to it
Operation: GetRouteV3
Retrieves one route
Operation: DeleteRouteV3
Deletes a route
Operation: EditRouteV3
Edits a route
Operation: AddMeterV3
Adds a meter to a route
Operation: RemoveMeterV3
Removes a meter from a route
Operation: GetRouteDetailsV3
Retrieves one route and all the meters on that route
The meters are ordered by display order
Operation: GetRoutesWithMetersChannelsLatestReadingV3
Retrieves a list of routes with their list of meters and a list of channels on each meter with the latest reading
Meters are returned in order they appear on a route
If the interval filter is passed and no channels match the filter, the route is not included in the response.