Operation: GetSavingsMeterBillListV3
Get Savings Details of usage and cost avoidance for a meter’s bills
Operation: GetSavingsMeterBillV3
Get a single Savings Details record of usage and cost avoidance for a meter and bill
Operation: GetSavingsMeterBillDailyV3
Get cost avoidance savings by day for a meter and bill
Operation: GetSpecialAdjustmentTypesV3
Get Special Adjustment Types
Operation: GetSpecialAdjustmentMethodsV3
Get Special Adjustment Methods
Operation: GetSavingsAdjustedCostTypeListV3
Gets a list of the Adjusted Cost Types
Operation: GenerateBaselineV3
Executes the baseline and cost avoidance processors with provided baseline and cost avoidance settings for the provided meter.
Results are not saved unless the “save” flag is set to true.
If “save” is true, MeterSavingsSettings-Manage permission is also required
Operation: GenerateBaselineGetV3
Executes the baseline processor with stored baseline settings for the provided meter
Operation: BulkGenerateBaselineV3
Regenerate cost avoidance baseline for the meters that match the filter conditions and then reprocess their savings
Operation: CalculateSavingsV3
Calculate savings for the meters that match the filter conditions, using the provided settings
Operation: ManualAdjustmentV3
Creates or removes manual adjustments to savings for a provided meter and bill
Operation: GetSpecialAdjustmentsV3
Get all the special adjustments for the meter
Operation: CreateSpecialAdjustmentV3
Create a new special adjustment
Meter Cost Avoidance Savings will be re-calculated
Operation: GetSpecialAdjustmentV3
Get a single special adjustment by its unique ID
Operation: DeleteSpecialAdjustmentByIdV3
Delete a special adjustment
Meter Cost Avoidance Savings will be re-calculated
Operation: EditSpecialAdjustmentV3
Edit a special adjustment
Meter Cost Avoidance Savings will be re-calculated
Operation: CreateOtherSavingsV3
Create an other savings adjustment
Meter Cost Avoidance Savings will be re-calculated
Operation: GetAllOtherSavingsV3
Get a other savings for a meter
Operation: EditOtherSavingsV3
Edit an other savings adjustment
Meter Cost Avoidance Savings will be re-calculated
Operation: GetOneOtherSavingsV3
Get one other savings for a meter
Operation: DeleteOtherSavingsV3
Delete an other savings adjustment
Operation: GetOtherSavingsCategoriesV3
Get other savings categories
Operation: CreateOtherSavingsCategoryV3
Create other savings category
Operation: BulkEditMeterCostAvoidanceSettingsV3
Mass update certain cost avoidance settings for meters that match the filter conditions
Baseline and Savings will be reprocessed for affected meters
Operation: GetCostAvoidanceMeterCountV3
Count the number of meters that match the filter conditions for cost avoidance bulk actions
Operation: GetAucRangesV3
Get the average unit cost “acceptable range” values for cost avoidance for each commodity
Operation: EditAucRangesV3
Edit the average unit cost “acceptable range” values for cost avoidance for one or more commodities
Cost Avoidance Savings will be re-calculated for all bills for meters having the affected commodities
Operation: GetSavingsTasksV3 Paginated
Get a list of cost avoidance tasks
NOTE: does not include cost avoidance tasks created from prior versions of the software
Operation: GetSavingsTaskV3
Get a single cost avoidance task by its unique ID
Operation: GetCostAvoidanceSettingsV3
Operation: EditCostAvoidanceSettingsV3
Operation: GetCostAvoidanceFiltersV3
Return available filters for Cost Avoidance processors
- Commodity ID
- Commodity Name
- Meter Group Name
- Building Group Name
- Topmost Place Code
- Topmost Place Name