SystemUser APIs

Get /api/v3/user

Operation: GetUsersV3

Gets a list of users.
Requires View permission for Users & Roles.
If this permission is not available, restricted set of properties are returned.

Post Deprecated /api/v3/user

Operation: CreateUserV3 Permissions: UsersAndUserGroups (Manage)

Create a new user. Requires Manage permission for Users & Roles

Get /api/v3/user/{userId}

Operation: GetUserV3 Permissions: UsersAndUserGroups (View)

Return a specific user and its properties. Requires View permission for Users & Roles

Put Deprecated /api/v3/user/{userId}

Operation: EditUserV3 Permissions: UsersAndUserGroups (Manage)

Edit an existing user. Requires Manage permission for Users & Roles. Please note that password is optional; all other items are required. MaxApprovalAmount may be null; if there is an existing value and null is passed, the existing value will be overwritten.

Post /api/v202406/user

Operation: CreateUserV202406 Permissions: UsersAndUserGroups (Manage)

Create a new user. Requires Manage permission for Users & Roles

Put /api/v202406/user/{userId}

Operation: EditUserV202406 Permissions: UsersAndUserGroups (Manage)

Edit an existing user. Requires Manage permission for Users & Roles. Please note that password is optional; all other items are required. MaxApprovalAmount may be null; if there is an existing value and null is passed, the existing value will be overwritten.

Post Deprecated /api/v202306/user

Operation: CreateUserV202306 Permissions: UsersAndUserGroups (Manage)

Put Deprecated /api/v202306/user/{userId}

Operation: EditUserV202306 Permissions: UsersAndUserGroups (Manage)

Edit an existing user. Requires Manage permission for Users & Roles. Please note that password is optional; all other items are required. MaxApprovalAmount may be null; if there is an existing value and null is passed, the existing value will be overwritten.

Put /api/v202206/systemUser/{userId}/role

Operation: EditSystemUsersRoleV202206 Permissions: UsersAndUserGroups (Manage)

Edit a system user’s role.