Template APIs

Get /api/v3/template

Operation: GetTemplatesV3 Paginated

Retrieves all templates

Get /api/v3/template/{templateId}

Operation: GetTemplateV3

Retrieves one template

Get /api/v3/template/{templateId}/version

Operation: GetTemplateVersionsV3

Retrieves all template versions for a given template

Get /api/v3/template/{templateId}/version/{versionId}

Operation: GetTemplateVersionV3

Retrieves one template version for a given template

Post /api/v3/bill/{billId}/meter/{meterId}/template

Operation: CreateTemplateFromBillV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Creates a new Template from an existing Bill’s line items belonging to the provided Meter

Put /api/v3/template/{templateId}/accountMeter

Operation: UpdateAccountMetersLatestTemplateV3 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Update current template for all passed in accountMeterIds
If the accountMeter is an account only record the template must be for the ‘Money’ commodity or an error will be thrown
If the accountMeter has no template assigned one will be created
If the accountMeter’s latest template assignment is end dated, a new assignment will be created starting from the latest end date
All must be successfully updated otherwise none are updated and an error is returned

Post /api/v202206/bill/{billId}/account/{accountId}/template

Operation: CreateAccountTemplateFromBillV202206 Permissions: Accounts (Edit)

Creates a new Template from an existing Bill’s cost-only line items belonging to the provided Account (lines which came from a vendor template will be dropped).