Operation: GetUtilityPlatformMetersByPlaceV202203
Get meters on a particular place
Operation: CreateUtilityPlatformMetersByPlaceV202203
Create meters on a particular place
Operation: GetDataAccessReleaseStateV202203
Get the status of a meter’s data access release
Operation: SendDataAccessReleaseRequestEmailV202203
Email a data access release request
Operation: AssignDataAccessReleaseV202203
Apply a release to a meter
Operation: ReleaseAccountAndAllMeterToABuildingV202203
Release all account and meters to a specific place
Operation: GetDataAccessReleaseDetailsV202203
Get data access release details
Operation: SearchUtilityPlatformMetersV202203 Paginated
Search utility platform meters
Operation: SearchUtilityPlatformServiceAddressesV202203 Paginated
Search service addresses
Operation: UpsertAggregateMeterV202203
Create a new aggregate meter, update an existing version, create a new version
If AggregateMeterId is null: a new aggregate meter and version is always created
If AggregateMeterId is not null: it must exist and only associated with 1 account otherwise error
If AggregateMeterId exists: we will always update the Aggregate’s MeterInfo and AccountInfo
If AggregateMeterId exists and no version exists on the same account and meter with the specified billing period: a new version is created
If AggregateMeterId exists and a version exists on the same account and meter with the specified billing period: the version is updated
Operation: ExecuteProcessorAggregationsV202203
Process one or more Calculated Bill aggregations within a billing period range ending with the specified billing period.
If billing period is not supplied, the current period will be assumed.