Operation: GetVendorV3
Retrieves one vendor
Operation: EditVendorV3
Edits a vendor
Operation: DeleteVendorV3
Deletes a vendor
Operation: GetVendorsV3 Paginated
Retrieves an array of vendors. The array of vendors can be filtered by a number of criteria. See the filter property for more details
Operation: CreateVendorV3
Creates a vendor
Operation: EditVendorUDFsV3
Edits user defined field / custom field values for a particular vendor
Operation: GetVendorUdfsV3
Retrieves all user defined fields / custom fields for a particular vendor
Operation: GetVendorsUdfsV3 Paginated
Retrieves all user defined fields / custom fields for all vendors
Operation: GetVendorContractsV3
Retrieves all Contracts for a particular vendor.
Contracts are not supported in EnergyCAP Version 7, this API is for reading existing contracts only and may be removed in the future.
Operation: AddAccountsV3
Add accounts to a vendor
Operation: GetVendorTemplateV202206
Retrieves the most recent template from the specified vendor
Operation: PutVendorTemplateV202206
Updates the template for the specified vendor
Operation: CopyVendorTemplateV202206
Copies any template attached to the provided sourceVendorId to each of the recipientVendorIds specified in the body.
If the recipient vendor has a template defined, it will be replaced with the lines on the source vendor’s template.
If the recipient vendor does not have a template defined, a new template will be created with the lines on the source vendor’s template.
Operation: DownloadVendorCustomFieldFileV202105
Download file for a vendor custom field
Operation: SetVendorAccountsAuditExclusionV202104
Enable or disable all accounts assigned to a vendor from audits