Operation: GetWidgetsV3
Retrieves an array of widgets.
Operation: GetEuiChartWidgetDataV3
Retrieves energy use intensity data for a specific widget.
Operation: GetMissingBillsV3 Paginated
Returns gaps in billing data for a date range specified by the Bill Date Range filter.
A gap is defined as at least one day that falls within the account’s service dates and
not included in any bill for that account meter.
The Allowable Gap Days filter specifies the number of days that must be in the gap
before it will be included in the results.
Operation: GetBillsOverdueFromVendorV3 Paginated
Retrieves data about bills that have not yet been received from vendors.
NOTE: Does not support global dashboard filtering with Topmost Place, Place Group API filters.
Operation: GetIntervalDataV3
Retrieves interval data for a specific widget
NOTE: Does not support global dashboard filtering with Topmost Place, Place Group API filters.
Operation: GetMapPlacesV3
Retrieves map data for a specific map widget
NOTE: Does not support global dashboard filtering with Topmost Place, Place Group API filters.
Operation: GetEnergyStarMultipleBuildingsV3 Paginated
Retrieves a list of buildings for the Multiple ENERGY STAR Buildings widget.
The widget is expecting zero, one, or many buildings, and alters its layout based on how many results it receives.
- The provided specific widget must exist
- The provided specific widget must be an Multiple ENERGY STAR Buildings widget
Operation: GetEnergyStarSingleBuildingV3
Retrieves ENERGY STAR place score history for a building
- The provided specific widget must exist
- The provided specific widget must be an ENERGY STAR Single Building widget
Operation: GetActionableBillCountsV3
Returns counts of bills Held from Export, bills Waiting for Export to AP, bills Waiting for Export to GL, bills which are Not Approved, bills with unresolved flags,
and bills created in the past seven days.
Operation: GetMostExpensiveBuildingsV3
Retrieves the most expensive building data for a specific widget
Operation: GetMonthlyUseTrendV3
Retrieves monthly global use trend for a dashboard widget
Operation: GetMonthlyCostTrendV3
Retrieves monthly cost trend for a dashboard widget
Operation: GetCarbonFootprintV3
Retrieves the carbon footprint data for a specific widget
Operation: GetCostAvoidanceProgramSavingsV3
Returns Cost Avoidance Savings Program-to-date. The user can set the topmost place and/or commodity filters.
Operation: MonthlyCAPTrendV3
Returns data for the monthly savings trend widget
Operation: GetMostExpensiveMetersV3
Retrieves the most expensive meters data for a specific widget
Operation: GetCommodityCostV3
Retrieves data for commodity cost dashboard widget
Operation: CostAvoidanceByCommodityV3
Retrieves data for cost avoidance by commodity dashboard widget
Operation: GetBillCountV3
Retrieves a count of bills for the specific widget
Operation: ExecuteSprocWidgetV3
Operation: GetEsaSentinelWidgetV202501
Retrieves ESA Sentinel predictions for a specific widget
Operation: GetEsaIntervalDataWidgetV202411
Returns data for the esa interval data widget
Operation: GetActualVsBudgetV202311
Gets the actual vs budget widget.
Operation: GetMonthlyUseTrendV202302
Gets data for the Monthly Use Trend widget.
Operation: GetMonthlyCostTrendV202302
Gets data for the Monthly Cost Trend widget.
Operation: GetItemRankV202302
Gets the bar rank and tree map widgets.
Operation: GetCostAvoidanceProgramSavingsV202302
Returns Cost Avoidance Savings Program-to-date. The user can set the topmost place and/or commodity filters.
Operation: CostAvoidanceByCommodityV202302
Retrieves data for cost avoidance by commodity dashboard widget
Operation: MonthlyCAPTrendV202302
Returns data for the monthly savings trend widget
Operation: GetMonthlyTrendV202302
Returns data for the monthly trend widget
Operation: GetRollingComparisonV202301
Retrieves data for the Rolling Monthly Comparison Widget.
Operation: GetGHGBuildingRankV202212
Get building rank by GHG emissions or intensity.
Operation: GetGHGRankingV202212
Get ranking by GHG emissions.
Operation: GetGHGPerformanceV202212
Gets the greenhouse gas performance by commodity, scope or scope category.
Operation: GetCarbonFootprintDataV202211
Retrieves yearly Carbon Emissions data that is split by year, then by Gas Type and one of the following group types:
( Scope, Scope Category, Commodity ). Also includes target data, if target comparisons are enabled and set.
Operation: GetMapWidgetV202209
Retrieves map data for a specific map widget
NOTE: Does not support global dashboard filtering with Topmost Place, Place Group API filters.