API Versioning allows EnergyCAP to evolve/upgrade our services while continuing to support existing third-party developed applications.
Existing APIs will continue to use the v3 version number while any new APIs will use the naming convention v{ YYYYMM }. Where YYYYMM represent the year and month the API was developed.
For example: https://{host}/api/v202101/channel is a new version of the channel API developed in January of 2021.
When an API has been replaced by a new version or has entered its end of life it will be considered deprecated.
When this occurs a DEPRECATED tag will appear next to the operation in the documentation.
Additionally, deprecated API calls will contain the response header “ECI-Deprecated” with the replacement version and operation.
Deprecated APIs will continue to function without any changes running in parallel with the new version, and be supported for 3 to 6 months.
The following image illustrates how current APIs, changed APIs, and new APIs will be handled.
Current V3 APIs will continue to exist in their current form.
When a change is necessary that would cause an existing API to break a new version is created and the old version will be marked as deprecated.
When a new API is necessary it will be created using the new naming style.